samedi 24 avril 2010

Green adventures, renewable energy, water cycle, National Park in Abruzzo and Molise

Green adventures

Liceo Scientifico Statale "Ettore Majorana" Isernia

Renewable sources of energy
The water cycle

One of the most renown Italian Parks , the first of our National Parks and one of the most appreciated abroad. In 1992 was inserted among the 25 most important parks in the world; moreover the W.W.F. considers that the Park of Abruzzo - Molise boasts the best management among the Italian Parks: not only for the environment preservation but also for the "ecological productivity", in fact in the park area there are 2000 small business.
The villages of Molise : Pizzone, Scapoli, Rocchetta al Volturno, Castel San Vincenzo, Filignano are included in the area of the Park. The fauna is very rich, there are deer, roes, wild cats, badgers, otters, lynxes, foxes, martens beech-martens and the important dark bear, Abruzzo's chamois and Appenninic wolves...; among the birds there are birds of prey: royal eagle, pilgrim hawk... The dark bear is the symbol of this park. The inhabitants of Pizzone used the bear's fur to make the "cioce", the typical footwear which was worn by the farmers while working in the fields . This bear eats every kind of vegetables and sometimes even animals like sheep but especially he likes honey. The Abruzzo’s chamois lives in open and silent places in the mountain and in the woods and also at low night. There is a limited number of Appenninic wolves. They eat big ruminant animals only if they are very hungry and they prefer wide spaces. About the flora, the forests and the woods dominate like beeches, maple-trees, oak-trees. Along the river Sangro in the valley there is the rare dark pine and in “Camosciara” , an untouched protected area , the very rare orchid called "Venere's little shoes" grows many varieties of flowers and the Alpine flora can be found. Lately in some villages of the Park the man has built 200 kilometres of running streets and ways, big houses, villas, tourist resort / attractions , residential centres, destroying the wonderful vegetation without taking into consideration of the accurate laws which protect the environment .


In Molise the most diffused sorts of truffle are: the Tuber Aestivum vitt., the Tuber Magnatum vitt. and, in a smaller quantity the Tuber Melanosporum and the Tuber borchi vitt. or Tuber Albidum Pico. The Tuber Aestivum vitt. is present in the whole Molise area in great quantity. This truffle achieves voluminous dimensions and even ten cm in diameter, but we can find some smaller and bigger ones. Most of this truffle is destined to the exportation because it is cheap. With a round shape with irregular lobed it is sometimes very deformed because of the stony ground nature of the area in which it is grown up. Its bark has an opaque black colour and it is made up by many verrucae with a pyramidal shape. The meat is very compact and it has generally white if the truffle isn't ripe, and a white-coffee colour if the truffle is colour ripe. This truffle starts ripening in May , in Summer and in Autumn, but some specimen are available also in Winter and in Spring.

Earth Day

Earth Day is already a tradition and needs no advertising.
The motto "Biodiversity in us, Biodiversity around us" is connected to year 2010 being The Year of Biodiversity.
This year during the Earth Day celebrations you can give back your old, used electronic/ house equipment, light bulbs and batteries.
Everyone who brings it will be given some plants, seeds, flowers, small bushes or trees to plant anywhere you want or you can collect some of the most fashionable eco-bags:)
Sunday, 10.00 - 18.00, entrance from RKS SKRA stadium (ul. Wawelska).

vendredi 23 avril 2010

Nasze panele

Oto nasze panele wykonane w ramach naszego projektu, dotyczące zagadnień związanych z Agendą 21.
Na zdjęciach uczniowie:
- Julia Bartosiak, kl. IVa
- Helena Dobak, kl. IVa
- Maja Bailey, kl. VIa
- Krzysztof Barański, kl. VIb
- Maria Jagielska, kl. VIb
- Marcin Grochowski, kl. VIc

1. Nasza szkoła i jej okolica/ our school and our neighbourhood

2. Pamiętaj, że od Ciebie zależy środowisko, w którym będziesz żyć/ Remember it's up to you if the world we live in will be clean

3. 12 prostych sposobów na oszczędzanie energii...i pieniędzy/ 12 easy steps to save energy...and money

4. Świat w liczbach/ World in numbers

5. Papier/ Paper

6. Piosenka ekologiczna/Our ecological song

7. Bioróżnorodność/ Biodiversity

8 i 9. Nasze codzienne zachowania mają ogromny wpływ na środowisko/ Our daile routines have great influence on our environment

10. Jak mogę oszczędzać wodę?/ How can I save water?

There is also number 11 about the alternative energy sources but we have to take that photo once again.

We would like to apologize for the panels being a bit rolled up but they were put in a tube, ready for Italy:( We are going to hang them soon so they will look better!
Hope you like them! thank you for watching!
Maja, Marysia, Julka, Helena, Krzysiek, Marcin

jeudi 22 avril 2010

A small change for better

It's been 2 months since we had our forum and, just to remember, we decided on decreasing the number of paper used in our school.
The latest research shows that the number of photocopies made by teachers and administration has been reduced by 7%. We also bought less paper for school. Maybe it is not a lot but it is progress. Let's hope it will keep improving month by month!!!

samedi 17 avril 2010

Recycled paper

Our headmaster has agreed with using recycled paper in the photocopy machine ! 500 sheets of recycled paper cost 3,18 € whereas 500 of normal paper cost 2,49 €.
Exercise : how much do 700 000 sheets of normal paper cost (our annual consumption in 2009) ?
Exercise : how many sheets of recycled paper could we consume to have the same cost ?

Notre proviseur a accepté de mettre du papier recyclé dans la photocopieuse ! 500 feuilles de papier recyclé coûtent 3,18 € alors qu'en papier normal, elles coûtent 2,49 €.
Exercice : combien coûtent 700 000 feuilles de papier normal (notre consommation annuelle en 2009) ?
Exercice : Combien de feuilles de papier recyclé pouvons-nous consommer pour avoir le même coût ?

vendredi 16 avril 2010

Une partie de l’expo itinérante

Notre exposition itinérante est prête. Elle accompagnera nos représentants au voyage Comenuis en Italie et Ignacio M, Anthonin F et Guillermo L se chargeront de la présenter.

Une rapide explication de l’amélioration fulgurante de notre ville par Ignacio M

Réalisation : Sofia A, Maria A, Antonio A et Javier M

Notre établissement scolaire vient de fêter son 75eme anniversaire et nous vous le présentons rapidement.

Réalisation :Jimena E, Pablo O, Ander M et Alejandra O

La biodiversité, c’est la vie. Anthonin F vous racontera rapidement ce que nous offre la biodiversité et quels sont les dangers qu’elle court.

Réalisation : Paula E, Anthonin F, Gonzalo L.C, Gabriel del V,

Enfin, Guillermo L vous dira tout ce que nous avons décidé de faire dans notre établissement afin de protéger la biodiversité tout en créant des espaces didactiques

Réalisation : Paula M, Guillermo L, Iker G et Jaime H

Ce travail terminé nous allons enfin pouvoir nous consacrer à la réalisation de certains travaux approuvés lors du forum de l’Agenda 21.

Il est malheureusement trop tard maintenant pour planter des arbres, mais nous préparerons cependant cette opération afin que les élèves du cours suivant puissent la mener à bien en novembre 2010.

lundi 12 avril 2010

Travaux d'élèves de 5ème en IDD

A quel sujet? La réponse en images:
Une affiche:

Inigo et Agueda avec une goutte d'eau:

La pluie! (près du point vert, normal!...):

Les gouttes d'eau:


Un panneau interactif:

Un autre petit panneau interactif:

Le "distributeur d'eau":

Rebeca et Inigo

jeudi 1 avril 2010


01.01.2010 Tarihinde Karaman Kent Meydanı'nda "Kitap Okuma" kampanyası yapıldı.

Okullardan gelen tüm Öğrenci ve Karaman halkınında katılımıyla toplam 1.111 kişi aynı anda

kitap okudu.