dimanche 27 décembre 2009

Solution for a dying planet. How Green are you ?

We are worried about the future of our planet. We waste a lot of energy and Earth resources. The way we live now will destroy our planet. We are polluting the environment, wasting the Earth’s resources and causing climate changes. Fossil fuels will run out eventually, too. But it’s possible to live in a way which doesn’t damage the environment for the future generations, being more environmentally friendly in all areas of our everyday life. The wind, the sun and the water can provide us renewable energy; for example, we can use them to generate electricity or make hot water. We can also grown our own food organically and we can make our house more energy- efficient so we won’t need to use so much fossil fuel. For example, we can use special lights bulbs to save energy.

If we continue to live like this, in about fifty years, we won’t have no more fossil fuels, so people’s lives will change drastically.
People may not have private transport apart from bikes, so they may walk more and may be healthier. But we won’t travel abroad much because it will be too expensive to fly because the fuel will cost so much.
To stop pollution and have a cleaner world, we have to change our lifestyle and live without damaging the environment, because people, nature and technology can exist together successfully.
Everything we eat, heat, wear
or throw away affects not only our

community and country, but also

the whole world. Are you friendly

or unfriendly to the environment?

Try this quiz and find out.

How Green Are You?


About 30 miles above the Earth, the

Ozone layer protects us from the sun’s

deadly ultra-violet radiation. But Chloro-

Fluorocarbons (CFCs) are destroying it.

How can you help?

a) by not buying CFC aerosols.

b) refusing to buy things in polystyrene


c) encouraging people not to dump old

fridges containing CFCs.


What do you do with unwanted items?

a) throw them in the rubbish bin.

b) save them for jumble sales.

c) take them to charity shops


Are you helping to save them by....

a) persuading your family not to buy

furniture made of teak or


b) buying only home-grown tropical


c) joining campaigns to save the



Families in Europe use 80 times more

energy than families in Africa. Coal, oil

and gas produce carbon dioxide, which

causes global warming (and worldwide

floods and droughts). Do you...

a) switch off lights when you leave a


b) keep doors closed in winter?

c) use cold water instead of hot where



Water is precious in the developing

world. We waste a lot of water and we

pollute our rivers and seas. Do you

a)use only “green” detergents? (those

without phosphates)

b) buy organically grown fruit and


c) pour into the sink only biodegrada-

ble products?


Or do you choose re-usable goods,


a) rechargeable batteries?

b) pens with refills?

c) cotton shopping bags instead of

plastic bags?


Recycling aluminium and glass saves a

lot of energy and resources. What do you

do with your empty cans and


a) throw them into bottle banks and

aluminium banks.

b) take them to a recycling centre

c) throw them into the rubbish bin.


Thousands of animals are killed for

luxury good. Have you bought any...

a) coral or ivory?

b) exotic feathers or tortoiseshell?

c) crocodile or fur skins?


Count a maximum of 3 points for each question.

1. a=3 b=3 c=3 All these help.

Most aerosols are now CFC-free but substitutes often contain other chemicals which damage the environment, so it’s best to use pump.action sprays. Same local authorities will come and take away old fridges free.

2. a=0 b=2 c=3

Everyone can benefit from swapping. Start a school or community swap shop.

3. One point for every “yes”

Buy only replaceable woods, like pine or oak.

4. Deduct one point for every “no”

5. One point for every “yes”

Phosphate-free detergents don’t damage rivers. Each year farmers use millions of tons of artificial fertilisers which are major causes of water pollution.

6. One point for every “yes”

Avoid plastic, which is often made from PVC. It is difficult to recycle and gives off deadly dioxines when it burns.

7. a=2 b=3 c=0

In Denmark all fizzy drinks come in returnable bottles. Try to make your government follow the example of Denmark. (Aluminium comes from rain forest areas, so recycling reduces their exploitation.)

8. Deduct one point for every “yes”

Enjoy wildlife through books and documentaries, not trough luxury goods.

If you scored 14 or more, you’re very eco-friendly!

Now make sure you spread the message to your family and friends.

Between 6 and 13?

You could do much better!

Remember the three green Rs – repair, re-use, recycle. And when you buy new items, remember to choose those which do less damage to the environment.

Below 6?

You are eco-unfriendly. You need to find out more about the environment. Buy books or magazines about ecological issues, and watch wildlife documentaries on TV.


IID : 14 or more = 1 person; between 6 and 13 = 18 people; below 6 = 5 people.

IIC: 14 or more = 5 people; between 6 and 13 = 11 people; below 6 = 1 person.

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