The symbol of Isernia : "The Brotherly fountain"

The Bell tower of the cathedral

This is the shrine dedicated to the saints Cosma and Damiano

This is the Cathedral dedicated to Saint Peter

Isernia, a very ancient town in Molise, lies on the side of a hill between two rivers: the "Sordo" and the "Carpino". Its name dates back to the indoeuropean root which means "water". In fact, Isernia is a town full of water and that explains the human presence since the remotest prehistory. Info about shrime, click hereOne must certainly remember the date of the first settlement in Isernia and exactly in the primeval village of the "Pineta" dating about 700/800 thousand years ago: in that area the "Homo Aeserniensis" settlement has been found. Isernia keeps hidden withim its depths the memories of its most distant past, except a little part of giant walls, the "spare work". Without considering sannitic wars (IV-III century b.C.), the town has been destroyed and reconstructed a dozen times. The first person who reduced Isernia into rubble - in 84 b.C. - was Silla who hated the local Sannitic tribes as much as Caton hated Carthage. Finally the Americans on the morning of 10th of September 1943, launched their bombs from B-17 planes over a crowded town on a market's day causing thousands of deaths. In the following weeks they came back twelve times without ever hitting their targets: the beautiful bridges in Isernia. Cardarelli bridge, towards Roma, and the big Santo Spirito bridge, then built entirely of iron, towards the internal area. All these bridges were vital to the Germans on retreat. Althought this town has been object of continual destructions, Isernia reserves a large number of monuments of fairly good archaelogical interest. At first, we must make clear that the historical center still keep intact the spare map structure of the roman cities: in fact it presents a largest raced Marcelli street, around which there is an infinity of alleys and little spares, as, for example, "Trento e Trieste" spares.Info about CattedraleThe famous Fraterna Fontain is the main symbol in this town and it was built in the XIII century a.C.: it is made up of living stone's slobs coming from ruined Roman monuments, while all the rest is a work of local masters, that it was built by the Rampini family in Isernia. We can learn, from a tombstone set on a fountain's side that is is composed of six lettle arches leaned on differently sculptured in the old town center little columus. Another important monument is surely Isernia's cathedral dedicated to Saint Peter. It is placed on a platform of a Latin temple built 2300 years ago. In 1837, it was rebuilt i new classical forms to replace the ancient church. On the left of the church, the well built cathedral, there is the bell tower lies and it is caracterized by four roman staues belonging to the late empire period. About one kilometre from the town the Shrime dedicated to the Saints Cosma and Damiano is situated and it is many pilgrins destination. Isernia has been on of the two Molisan provinces since 1970 and it is the youngest Italian province, with 52 villages and a width of 1500 square kilometres.
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